
The Master Key

It’s truly life changing. When I got my head around the concept that my circumstance and who I am today has been the sum total of my thoughts up to this moment…


When I was a young I was mesmerized by the idea of California. Growing up in Minnesota, aka the frozen tundra, I would dream of California where all dreams are possible, every day is a beach day, and the sun sets over the ocean. My favorite t-shirts were of course 80’s Ocean Pacific variety. Should I believe that complete randomness led me to live a mile from the beach?


“They themselves are makers of themselves.”


by virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.


James Allen


Before I can discuss wealth creation and financial independence (FI), we must call out the elephant in the room- your current financial situation; be it overflowing with wealth and abundance or a negative net worth living paycheck to paycheck, has been the sum total of your thoughts to the present day.


How does that feel? Your current situation in all facets of life, including financial, have been created by you. It’s as simple as cause and effect. Cause is the way you think and effect is your current circumstance. If you have not paid attention to your thoughts and taken back control, you are probably being jerked around by whatever the lame news/social media wants you to be thinking about.


During COVID I had extra time with not having to commute. I became VERY interested in my own thoughts and then I stumbled into this gem:


“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”


Obviously I have read this before but I apparently wasn’t ready for the message because it didn’t really sink in. You see how your thoughts lead to your destiny? This is your life’s work ladies and gentlemen. I wish I had started 30 years ago.


So, to control thought is to control circumstances, conditions, environment, and destiny – this is the master key! If you don’t like your circumstances, you must first change the thoughts that have produced your current circumstances. The good news is you are not a victim of randomness; you are in control of your destiny.


Pay attention! Act like a casual observer of the thoughts in your head; it’s painful and fun at the same time. I discovered a ton of past programming that was not serving me.


I could certainly go on (and will) about this subject in future postings, but while getting into the study of FI and creating a new destiny in your life I recommend paying attention to your thoughts and to question them all.


Derek’s Picks on this subject:


  1. As a Man Thinketh, written in 1903 by James Allen. This is simply a gem. It’s a short book to carry with you and reread over a cup of coffee.
  2. The Master Key System, written in 1910 by Charles Haanel. This book is rumored to be what inspired Bill Gates to leave Harvard and start Microsoft. I have read it 20x or more.
  3. Think and Grow Rich, written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill. Supposedly the No.1 selling book of the century on personal wealth and lasting success.
  4. Awaken The Giant Within, written in 1991 by Tony Robbins






Derek Petersen

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